The Best Chemical Peel | What You Need to Know Before Trying

The best chemical peel can transform your skin and give you a brighter and smoother complexion. This popular skin glowing treatment uses special chemical liquids to gently remove dead skin cells that are on the surface of the skin. These chemicals also help to fix problems like acne, wrinkles, and uneven color.

In this article, you will learn the different peel types, their benefits, how to prepare yourself for treatment, and more. At Reviva Medical Aesthetics a chemical peel can bring out your natural beauty and boost your confidence with the best one. The light peels can affect the top, while deeper peels reach more layers for better results. 

What Is Chemical Peeling?

A chemical peel is an exfoliating treatment that improves the appearance of your face. Peeling chemicals are applied to your skin to gently remove dead skin cells. Simply put, a chemical solution uses products to exfoliate your skin, revealing fresh, new skin underneath.

When the peeling liquid touches your skin, it starts breaking up the bonds between dead cells. This lets those old cells wash away easily. Depending on the peel intensity, it may soak into different skin layers. After, your skin may look and feel red and sensitive for a few days as it heals. But soon you’ll notice a brighter complexion and fewer blemishes.

Chemical Peel Types for Skin

Chemical Peel Types for Skin

There are three main peel styles – light, medium, and deep. Each was made to fix different skin issues. These differences can help you choose the right peel to make the most of your skin.

Light Peels 

Light peels, these peels are also called surface peels, use mild acids to gently exfoliate the top layer. This type is great for improving texture and brightness. It can help with dry skin, sun damage, and light acne scars. After, your skin condition may feel smoother and look fresher. 

Suitable Skin: Light peels are perfect for sensitive skin or minor issues. They provide a quick refresh with little downtime.

Medium Peels  

Medium peels go a bit deeper using stronger acids. They can fix noticeable problems like medium wrinkles, deeper acne scars, and uneven color. The results give you a more youthful look.

Best Suitable Skin: Medium peels work well if you have normal to oily skin with moderate skin concerns like sun damage or signs of aging.  

Deep Peels

Deep peels are the strongest with powerful acids and these peels are known as the best chemical peels that soak into lower skin layers. They can treat severe wrinkles, deep scars, and bad sun damage. Because they remove more skin, deep peels lead to dramatic improvements.  

Best Skin Type for Deep: Deep peels are best for tough issues lighter peels can’t fix. But they need more recovery, so consider them if you want major results and have healthy skin overall.

Advantages of Using Chemical Peel

Advantages of Using Chemical Peel

Chemical peels have lots of perks that can boost how your whole face looks and feels. Many folks try peels to fix certain skin problems, and the results are super rewarding.

  • Peels remove dead skin cells and boost new growth. 
  • This leaves your face feeling soft and looking even and bright. Great for rough patches.
  • Peels help skin stay elastic by spurring collagen. 
  • So lines around your eyes and mouth fade, making your skin look fresher and younger. 
  • The acids in peels unclog pores, lower oil, and prevent breakouts. 
  • These also heal scars over time. So peels are perfect if you want clearer skin without acne reminders.

Before and After Peel Treatment

Prepping right is key before chemical peeling to glow up your skin. The first move is usually a chat with your dermatologist. During, you can tell them your skin concerns and what you hope to achieve. They’ll then help pick the perfect peel type for you. Prepping properly sets you up for the best results and a smooth experience.

Before Peeling process 

The first step is to discuss this with your aestheticians. Tell them your skin goals so they can pick the perfect peel. They may suggest changes to your routine too before treatment. This preps your skin. This could mean taking a break from certain products or meds that could irritate your skin. 

During Treatment  

When you arrive, they’ll clean your face and then smoothly apply the peeling liquid. You might feel light tingles as it works its magic. Most find any feeling is mild and brief, like a cozy warmth. These cosmetic treatments usually take 30-60 minutes.

Aftercare Tips

Right after, your skin could be a little red and irritated like a fun sunburn. But don’t stress – it fades fast. To help heal, gently moisturize and avoid harsh products for a few days. Be sure to shield your skin daily with sunscreen too.

Feel Exceptional Peeling Results at Reviva

Feel Exceptional Peeling Results at Reviva

Here at Reviva Medical Aesthetics, we believe everyone deserves to feel awesome in their skin. Our chemical peel treatments are made to help you achieve amazing results – leaving your face feeling fresh and bright. We offer different peels so our aestheticians can pick the perfect one for your unique skin.

You can relax in our caring space where your comfort is a top priority. After peeling, you’ll see instant improvements in your facial looks. With gentle care at home, those results keep getting better over time.

We use high-quality products and advanced methods to ensure the best care. Our friendly staff is here every step of the way from consultation to healing. Experience peels’ transforming magic at Reviva Med Spa and discover your skin’s true glow!


The best chemical peel can significantly enhance your skin’s appearance and health, offering a range of perks customized to your needs. Whether you pick a light, medium, or deep peel, each style is meant to fix different skin issues like acne, wrinkles, and uneven texture. 

By taking off dead skin cells and spurring new growth, deep peels can leave your face looking fresher and more youthful. Here at Reviva Medical Aesthetics, our expert group is focused on helping you select the perfect peel for your skin type and goals. With proper prepping and healing care, you can enjoy amazing results that boost your confidence and bring out your natural glow.


Can I wear makeup after peeling?

It’s best to wait until your skin fully heals before adding makeup to avoid irritating your fresh face.  

How often can I peel?

The frequency depends on the style – light peels can be a few weeks apart, while deeper peels space out every several months.  

Are there any side effects? 

Common ones include temporary redness and peeling, but those usually fade fast.

Can peels help acne scars?

The chemical peels can improve how scars look by spurring new skin growth.  

Are peels safe for all skin?

Most skin types benefit but talk to an expert to find the best peel specifically for you.

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